Hi everyone! Just wanted to start off with an explanation of the website title and the bible verse and what to expect from these little updates. I have always loved worshiping and worship was one of the biggest joys in life. However, the past few years I have struggled with worshipping God in my own quiet time and during church service. I found myself to be timid and quiet in my worship and fell into a dry period. Thankfully, after sharing my struggles with a brother of mine, he told me to try and worship even if I did not feel it. Later that night as I was strumming the only 4 chords I know (G, C, D, E minor), the chorus to "All Is For Your Glory" by Cory Asbury randomly came into my mind. This was a song I was not familiar with and to my surprise as I looked up the lyrics and started singing, I realized that the bridge said "So put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me, I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty". Once I sang those words, I felt reassured and convicted by the Lord to be put anywhere to serve and be a part of his kingdom.
The verse from Jeremiah 6:16 "“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." was from the Crossroads YWAM website and I felt compelled to put it in my website because I wanted a reminder for myself every time I came to look at my website that I am always at a fork in my life and it is up to me to ask God where the good way is and to walk through the narrow gate.
Lastly, I wanted to share what type of updates you guys should be looking for! I will be mostly posting about any callings God has been sharing with me, any big financial updates, and any updates on prayer requests or answered prayer requests. Once I start the program I hope to share my experiences and testimonies through this website so I hope everyone journeys with me to the end.
I hope God is moving in your lives and that He will continue to bless you all!
Heymin Jeong