In All Things
Here is how you can partner with me
Financially: I am fully supported financially. Praise God!!
Relationally: Come talk to me! My socials are down below and my phone number is 929-410-0559
Through Prayer:
​For Romania & Ukraine :
There are villages in Romania that are discriminated against called Roma villages. Prayer that there would be unity between the citizens of Romania and these villages
There are orphans in Ukraine that are currently hiding in bomb shelters and are resorting to eating their toys because they are so hungry. Prayer for rescue and safety as well as God's peace to fall on their hearts
The YWAM base we are going to have less than 10 staff to feed, house, and minister to over 100 refugees. Prayer for rejuvenation and rest in the Lord as they manage large masses
The city we are going to has had their power grid bombed so they only have electricity for a couple hours a day if any. Prayer that as they head into the winter season, that there will be supernatural provision of warmth for the people
The elderly in Ukraine have now gone through two tough time periods. Just 2 generations ago, the Soviet Union created a man-made famine called Holodomor that killed millions of Ukrainians. Prayer that those who witnessed and are witnessing both tragedies would find hope in the Lord and the gospel
Many people in Ukraine are realizing that Christianity isn't a religion, but a relationship and many are coming to Christ because He is the only person capable of giving hope and strength in such a time as this. Prayer that more people would recognize the need for the gospel and the hope that Jesus brings
​For Me:
That I would be avoid burnout by relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance and strength rather than my own
That I would embody true servant leadership by leading by example and not with pride
That I would have mental and physical fortitude listening to the stories of those who lost it all and living in areas where I might not be the most comfortable
That I would have compassion and never ending joy to show to everyone
That there would be unity within my team and that we would fight against the enemy together as a family